10:00 - 14:00
Virtual Event

Boys with Lasso, John Savio, between 1928 and 1938
Photo: Nasjonalmuseet/Børre Høstland

Det gode liv:

Språket for symposiet vil være engelsk og finner sted over Zoom.

Registrer deg til arrangementet her for å motta møtedetaljene.



Am Johal, Matt Hern, Cecilia Åsberg,Marietta Radomska, The Posthumanities Hub, Vera Dvale, Silje Linge Haaland, Line Thastum, Matti Aikio (Sámi/FI), Riikka Keränen (FI), Espen Sommer Eide (NO)Sissel Thastum ​http://www.sisselthastum.com/, The Independent Air​ ​http://www.theindependentair.com/


Les mer om deltakerne her:

The Sweetness of Living:Art Symposium – Barents Spektakel 2021

det gode liv // The Sweetness of Living er nettverk, kunnskapsutveksling og erfaringsdeling gjennom kunstnerisk research,- et samtidskunstprosjekt som starter i februar 2021, og fortsetter inn i fremtiden.

Undersøkelsene henter inspirasjon fra publikasjonen Global Warming and the Sweetness of Life: A Tar Sands Tale (2018) av Matt Hern og Am Johal, hvor forfatterne undersøker filosof Giorgio Agambens tolkning av Alexandre Kojeves uttrykk ‘la dolce vita’.

Disse ideene beskriver en felles holdning i Spania, Italia og Sør-Europa, som påstås å være vesentlig forskjellig  fra den protestantiske arbeidsmoral i Nord-Europa. Agambens påstand er at denne holdningen viser et helt annet forhold til fremtiden, til en gjenoppretting av tid, en motstand mot kapitalisme og bevaring av en god måte å leve på: kort sagt evnen til å definere livet som noe utenfor arbeide.

det gode liv // The Sweetness of Living bygger på disse forholdene, og undersøker og utfordrer hvordan forståelsen av ‘det gode liv’ kommer til uttrykk i Barentsregionen / de nordiske landene og Nordvest-Russland / Sápmi. Prosjektet er forankret i troen på at temaet har blitt et presserende kulturelt spørsmål på grunn av hendelsene i 2020, siden samfunnsendringene som er en følge av koronapademien har ført til en radikal omstilling mht prioriteringer i livet og av livet selv. 

Prosjektet åpner tema gjennom tre kunstverk og en rekke diskursive, performative og prosessuelle responser under det gode liv symposium.


10:00 – Welcome

10:10 – TALK: ‘Global Warming and the Sweetness of Life’ + Live Q&A

Matt Hern and Am Johal 

Matt Hern and Am Johal introduce their research process and some of the key questions that inspired their 2018 publication, Global Warming and the Sweetness of Life: A Tar Sands Tale (MIT Press), where the authors set out to propose a new understanding of ecology that links the domination of the other-than-human world to the domination of humans by humans. They argue that any definition of ecology has to start with decolonization and that confronting global warming requires a politics that speaks to a different way of being in the world, and a reconstituted understanding of the sweetness of life. Their lecture stitches together their experience with their current thinking, as well as their speculations on new considerations of community and friendship.

11:30 – Audio-Visual Collaboration: Sirutumine

Vera Dvale & Silje Linge Haaland

The collaboration between Silje Linge Haaland and Vera Dvale is nurtured by an audio and visual exchange based on play, intuition and sensing, and where animated moving images are connected through sound. Sirutumine is the title of one of the pieces of music in the video work BLANT by Linge Haaland, and it now becomes the title of this new meeting point. Based on the video work, Vera Dvale introduces a live sound collection where new combinations of her compositions are connected to the images. The material consists of both individual and collaborative productions.

12:00 – TALK: More than survival: weaving vulnerabilities, questioning certainties, mobilising resilience. On low-trophic theories-practices for a more-than-human world + LIVE Q&A

Marietta Radomska & Cecilia Åsberg

How can we think and act from within multiple crises? What does the sweetness of living mean in the times of environmental and social disruption? The ongoing Covid-19 pandemic sheds light on environmental violence, injustice, socio-economic inequalities, more-than-human entanglements and an ethico-political call for action. This talk offers low-trophic theories-practices as a way to rethink and reimagine both our present(s) and future(s) in the care-ful and situated registers of more-than-human ethics for a multispecies world.

13:00 – FORUM: A roundtable discussion with curator Neal Cahoon and artists: Riikka Keränen, Matti Aikio, and Espen Sommer Eide

14:00 – VIDEOPOEM: Gadus morhua​​ 

Line Thastum & Line Thastum

Gadus morhua​​ is a meditative endeavour; an invitation to the audience to come closer to the cod fish, its element and our connection to other beings within the perspective of deep time and our common origin from the ocean. G​adus morhua​ explores and emphasises the vibrance and agency of all matter. It shows the growth of a​ biocrystallization of the codfish alongside poetic and philosophical​ reflections on our entangled being-in-the-world.​ Gadus morhua​ is an excerpt of the larger ongoing project K​in.

The symposium will take place digitally through Zoom. Please register your interest to receive details of the meeting. The working language is English.
